Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] recent hydrogen / jack / ardour
From: Jesse Chappell (
Date: Sat Oct 25 2003 - 06:42:23 EEST
Mathias Lundgren wrote on Sat, 25-Oct-2003:
> lördagen den 25 oktober 2003 01.10 skrev Paul Winkler:
> > On Fri, Oct 24, 2003 at 06:44:31PM -0400, Paul Winkler wrote:
> > > seems to be building now, thanks!
> >
> > and it runs.
> > damn, hydrogen is fun. wish i had this years ago.
> Yes, it's neat. The things you don't do to run bleeding edge...
> One thing that I think is a little sad is that it's not realtime safe... (at
> least it wasn't last time I checked). I'd really love to have the possibility
> to use it from a sequencer and get the output via Jack. Okay, it works, but
> in case you need to increase jack's period things get shaky and unsynced.
> Hydrogen and zynadd running realtime safe together with jack and MusE, that
> would be something. Oh, and the possibility to have ladspa send effects in
> hydrogen. Then I'd be happy as a bee.
You can turn on JACK ports for each instrument, then run them
through jack-rack or similar (or into ardour).
Can you be more specific about the problems with increased periods?
I would like to further contribute to hydrogen's realtime safeness
(although precision and accuracy problems you seem to be describing).
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