Subject: [linux-audio-user] Zaurus users?
From: iriXx (
Date: Thu Nov 06 2003 - 14:04:25 EET
hi all...
just wondering if there are any Zaurus users on the list - the older
version not the new one...
i've seen one in action and i know its got good media player facilities
- some kind of xmms i seem to recall?... but im curious as to what else
will run on it...
thinking about getting one as a replacement to the laptop i thoroughly
destroyed yesterday. dropped it from a bench, shattered screen and
damaged motherboard. i'll be lucky if i get the data back. compaq
armada's are flimsy things - if it had been the Dell i used to have,
chances are it might have been salvagable....
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gnupg key ID: AEB7A31E
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