Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: quattro
From: Jack O'Quin (
Date: Sun Nov 09 2003 - 02:29:15 EET
Ryan <> writes:
> Jackd also freezes my machine when using my usb interface (emi 2|6) and
> passing the -R flag. I think this is an known issue with jack and usb
> devices, for all intents and purposes jack with various usb cards is
> useless currently. Some apps seem to work fine for me too.
This may be known to some people. I recall vague mention of USB
problems on various mailing lists. But, nothing specific.
Although this sounds like a very serious problem, I don't see any bug
report in <>, the JACK Mantis
database. If it makes JACK useless, someone should report it,
providing enough information for developers to work on the problem.
-- Jack O'Quin Austin, Texas
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