Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Jack transport...
From: Aaron Trumm (
Date: Sun Nov 16 2003 - 10:38:51 EET
> The old jack transport sync capability is still
> working, I think, but deprecated. Ardour supports the
> old sync and JAMin supports the new implementation. So
> I suspect you could sync Ardour and JAMin. Might be
> worth trying just to see it.
hmmmmm. have to get jamin now I guess ;)
what about Muse? I haven't tried syncing muse. although I haven't been
able to get muse to see my midi ports so I haven't used it really.
hmmmm hmmm.
thanks for feedback! (thanks, also, on ardour 32 track thing - my previous
response to that might not get through)
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