Subject: [linux-audio-user] new demudi kicks booty
From: Brian Redfern (
Date: Mon Nov 24 2003 - 22:35:12 EET
I just got demudi 1.0, installing regular debian woody 3.0, and then using
apt-get to grab alsa, jack, and the other demudi apps. I realized that
even though Suse's kernel is better than a stock debian or redhat kernel,
I found with apt-get its very easy to install the new low latency demudi
kernel, and unlike Suse I don't have to spend $80 every six months to keep
things current, everything I wanted from Suse is available with apt-get. I
did find a couple of errors with demudi, where sox has a little problem,
but most everything worked very easily, especially the hard stuff like
installing the new kernel. I can always build sox from source.
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