Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] License free Linux ??
From: Brian Redfern (
Date: Fri Dec 05 2003 - 19:48:26 EET
I espeically love the generic business drok with his raised fist, that's
funny stuff.
On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Rob wrote:
> On Thursday 04 December 2003 15:54, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> > Have you seen what's happening to the audacity project?
> >
> >category=15199
> > It's got to the point where they need legal help. The guy is
> > making a few false statements like he has community support
> > and is giving money back to the developers.
> I dunno, it's a tricky thing. If the guy were selling Audacity
> CD's labeled as such on ebay, people would be calling for him to
> be sued over trademark violations. The guy sells it under a
> different name and people call for him to be sued under some
> kind of misrepresentation thing. I think it's obnoxious that he
> doesn't provide any kind of link back to the Audacity site (he
> at least mentions Gimp and Openoffice by name) but until someone
> actually ponies up for one of those CD's we won't know whether
> he's actually violating the GPL.
> Or, for that matter, someone else's license, since he mentions
> he's including other software and files on the disc. In that
> way it strikes me as being just like all those shovelware
> CD-ROMs in the early 90's that listed off all the shareware they
> included without mentioning them by name. Only by running the
> programs (and doing help about, if it didn't have a nag screen
> or something) did you ever find out who wrote them.
> Anyway, his site, (I'd say that was
> misspelled if it weren't a made-up word to begin with), is
> hilarious, especially the overuse of stock clip art. I think
> the best response to something like this is to provide a cheaper
> competitive item on ebay whose proceeds really do benefit the
> developers. Maybe start with the GnuWin II disc? (Note that
> he's marketing it to Windows users primarily, not Linux users,
> so going on ebay with a CD full of Linux software is really not
> going to do anyone any good except in the sense that it might
> promote the use of Linux a little.)
> Rob
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