Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] License free Linux ??
From: Jack Bowling (
Date: Fri Dec 05 2003 - 20:15:41 EET
On Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 09:55:59AM -0500, Rob wrote:
> I agree that the guy kinda sucks, but I'm also wondering if
> people buying "his" software will, after discovering Audacity's
> real identity, get exposed to other free software that way.
> How about a splash screen in the next version that says something
> like "If you bought this from someone on ebay, you got robbed!"
> the first time you run it? Or, more positively, "For a free copy
> of this and lots of other free Windows software, visit
> or" At least that would force
> him to either learn how to use a compiler or stay back at 1.0.
> I suppose it depends on how much of a problem the developers
> really consider this guy to be.
My first post to the list so be gentle, guys.
If Audacity were junk, it wouldn't matter if the guy offered it for
free. I record bird song and Audacity along with Snd are the only two
programs I need to do what I want. They are both great apps. Perhaps
if we get by the moral opprobrium of this situation, this situation
could be viewed as a public offering of superior linux apps which
have also been ported to windows? I doubt this is the last time we'll
see this happen. If there is a GPL violation then the guy needs to be
taken down. But if he lives within the license then we can't complain.
-- Jack Bowling mailto:
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