Subject: [linux-audio-user] Re: Syncing Ardour and Rosegarden (or Muse)
From: David J. Kuntz (
Date: Mon Dec 15 2003 - 13:53:54 EET
> I'm not sure what you're asking. I merely want to use ardour to tell
> muse, rosegarden or even hydrogen to:
> (1) Start
> (2) Stop
> (3) Rewind
> Does that answer your question?
> -----------------------
> John Williams
> Department of Marketing
> Otago University
> Dunedin, New Zealand
I was poking around the Rosegarden-User list archives last night (looking
ofr an answer for an unrelated question) and saw a post from Sept. that
the jack transport code was commented out - the checkboxes are still in
the GUI, but they don't actually do anything yet. I assume that's still
the case since after fixing one of my problems I tried to use it as a
transport slave in Ardour and no joy.
I can't get muse to actually produce noise yet, so I can't comment on it.
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