Subject: [linux-audio-user] AGNULA/DEMUDI 1.2.0-beta0 IS OUT
From: The AGNULA Team (
Date: Tue Jun 08 2004 - 16:37:39 EEST
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[Sorry for cross-posting. Feel free to forward around]
Florence, 08 June 2004
+++ AGNULA/DEMUDI 1.2.0-beta0 IS OUT
AGNULA/DeMuDi 1.2.0-beta0, the Debian-based GNU/Linux distribution for
audio/video, has been released.
AGNULA/DeMuDi 1.2.0-beta0, the Debian-based GNU/Linux distribution for
audio/video, has been released.
This version is the first beta of the 1.2.0 series, which sport
tighter integration with Debian, using the Sarge Debian Installer and
the CDD (Custom Debian Distributions) framework.
You can download AGNULA/DeMuDi 1.2.0-beta0 here:
MD5SUM files are available here:
But PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE use the relevant mirrors: (IRCAM, Paris) (CCRMA, Stanford)
Please report all bugs, requests, criticisms using our development
portal [0]. Instructions on how to report bugs and requests are
available here:
We hope you enjoy AGNULA/DeMuDi! For any information, do not hesitate
to contact us writing to:
And/or visiting our web site,
About AGNULA: Agnula (acronym for A GNU/Linux Audio distribution,
pronounced with a strong g) is the name of a project funded until
April 2004 by the European Commission (number of contract:
IST-2001-34879; key action IV.3.3, Free Software: towards the critical
mass). After the end of the funded period, AGNULA is continuing as a
volunteer based project, aiming to spread Libre Software in the
professional audio/video arena.
Best regards,
-- The AGNULA Team Our mailing lists: Our web site: "There's no free expression without control on the tools you use"
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