Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Multi I/O sound card needed
From: lee (
Date: Mon Jun 14 2004 - 07:42:51 EEST
Jan Depner wrote:
> On Sun, 2004-06-13 at 03:58, Jos Laake wrote:
>>Hi again,
>>I'm considering getting a good professional quality soundcard.
>>Anybody want to plug their favourites? I've been watching e-bay
>>and there are always M-Audio Delta 44's and Delta 66's available.
>>Any other good cards out there to keep my eyes open for?
> The best deal you'll probably find is the Delta 1010LT. Musician's
> Friend has it for $280US.
I have one. It's totally cool but you'll have to put tape around the
cords and lable them or else you'll never know which RCA plug is which
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