Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] NoteEdit 2.6.0: MIDI-->multiple voices per staff
From: Joerg Anders (
Date: Thu Jun 17 2004 - 14:50:14 EEST
On Thu, 17 Jun 2004, Chris Cannam wrote:
> Assuming you mean MIDI controller 64,
Yes, excatly this!
> then yes, it's very likely --
> although I have successfully opened other MIDI files that also use
> that controller.
Hmm, this is big problem. At:
now is the "tse3_sustain_patch.patch" that sould be applied
to the TSE3(!!!) library (tse3-0.2.7).
The background is: If the MIDI is:
Sustain On Sustain Off
The TSE3 library removes the Sustain On/Offs and constructs:
This is certainly good for MIDI players but bad for
sequencers and other related software, because
this can only be solved by creating 7 voices.
I already contacted Pete Goodliffe <>
and asked him to make this configurable. He promised to change this
in next version. Till then the patch is the only solution :-(
-- J.Anders, Chemnitz, GERMANY (
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