Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Note Edit and recording from MIDI keyboard
From: Joerg Anders (
Date: Thu Jun 17 2004 - 16:31:43 EEST
On Thu, 17 Jun 2004, Dave Phillips wrote:
> It appears that changes to the MIDI input have killed it. I tried
> recording notes from my CZ101 but they were all crammed into a single
> chord. NE then issued an error dialog that could not be removed, and I
> ended up having to kill the app.
Hmm, I had no possibility to test the recording. Only the import
from MIDI file. Are you able to put all into a MIDi file and send it to me ?
Please do the same with ...
+ On Thu, 17 Jun 2004, Dave Phillips wrote:
+ > Btw, the exported beaming is inconsistent, sometimes it's there and
+ > sometimes not. Stem direction seems to be correct. Rests are sometimes
+ > placed incorrectly, i.e., above the staff instead of within it, other
+ > times they're in the correct positions. I'll gladly supply any files you
+ > might want to see for comparison.
... these files! Please send the *.not and the *.ly!
> I notice also that the rest and snap
> values have been removed from the Filter dialog. Those seemed to be
> rather helpful, why were they removed ?
No, this is because of the changed algoritms.
> Btw, thanks for the MusicXML support, I'm pleased to see it in NE.
Don't thank me! Thank Leon Vinken <>. He did it alone.
-- J.Anders, Chemnitz, GERMANY (
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