Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] perfect pitch application
From: Florian Schmidt (
Date: Fri Jun 18 2004 - 15:02:52 EEST
On 17 Jun 2004 23:38:00 -0700
Florin Andrei <> wrote:
> Anyone knows an application (for Linux) that can take the sound of a
> single instrument (or voice, or anything that's simple - not complex
> sounds) as an input, and transform it into notes (or a MIDI file)?
> Essentially, it's what a musician with perfect pitch does - upon hearing
> a melody, start playing it on an instrument.
> Or, if you wish, the reverse of a softsynth: from WAV to MIDI.
> I'm pretty sure i've seen something like that advertised somewhere
> ("Sound On Sound"? "Keyboard Magazine"?), and i'm pretty sure it's not
> for Linux, so i wonder if there's something similar on Linux.
Have a look at tuner apps, they basically do what you want. For more complex signals for helping to figure out chords, etc, more sophisticated methods must be used. Like fourier transforming the signal for hints what notes might be ringing..
-- Palimm Palimm!
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