Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: giga files and large soundfonts
From: Mark Knecht (
Date: Wed Jun 30 2004 - 20:19:03 EEST
Christian Frisson wrote:
> Heyall,
> Once again, I see there's always somebody to urge you to reveal your plots ,-)
> Good, I'm now compelled to spawn something!
<hehe!!> we know you and others are out there! ;-)
> 2) Looping or time-stretching?
> To my ears, looping sometimes adds another kind of uninvited LFO, while
> time-stretching may seem unatural... Any Time-Streching challenging opensource
> piece of software?
Why not just let GSt/LS do this as required?
> 4) The more the merrier?
> Should we benefit from using the most available sampled notes for precision or
> less for RAM/ROM/CPU-ease? 44100 Hz seems to be a bit short for pitchshifting...
I vote more notes and less pitch shifting.
Please stay with 44100 Hz only or your gig file will not be usable with
other gig files at the same time.
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