Subject: RE: [linux-audio-user] Re: AIFF files batch-slicing
Date: Sun Jul 04 2004 - 12:32:21 EEST
} Anyway... Once you got the settings down... regioning is about as time
} consuming as opening the file and closing it. Processing time is so low as
} be irrelevant. Both Soundforge and Wavelab do batch processing {Tho' I don't
} actually remember if they do regioning... It's nothing you couldn't do with
} batch file in a minute or so...} ...they'll even do autonaming and saving,
Sorry... that's a bit misleading... Sound Forge used to need the batch
processing system that you had to download seperately. I have no idea how they
have it implemented now.
Macromaker or Autoit or something will probably do it easier anyway.
E-Mail: RickTaylor_AT_Speakeasy.Net
Date: 04-Jul-2004
Time: 04:25:42
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