Subject: RE: [linux-audio-user] Re: Note tuning and quantizer in audio files
Date: Wed Jul 07 2004 - 01:21:50 EEST
On 06-Jul-2004 Alastair Couper wrote:
} to play the drums. The best music comes from the mastery of an instrument
} or vocal skill, not from editing.
"best" being?
} A minority opinion from a nobody. Given the state of the "industry"
} though, it's going to be like Photoshop for audio, where there is no
} physical point of reference anymore, and anything can be morphed into
} anything.
This being the "state of the industry". You gotta' live in context regardless
of whether you happen to be Dave Crosby or not.
E-Mail: RickTaylor_AT_Speakeasy.Net
Date: 06-Jul-2004
Time: 17:19:33
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