Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Note typesetting for Linux
From: Immanuel Litzroth (
Date: Fri Jul 09 2004 - 13:16:59 EEST
Mikhail Ramendik <> writes:
> Hello,
> Any sort of alphabetic medium for typesetting notes is about as "right"
> for a professional musician as it would be "right" for a programmer to
> somehow write programs in the language of musical score. So Lilyopnd is
> simply off track.
Can you explain why and "alphabetic medium" is not "right"?
> The success of TeX for formula editing came, I think, from the fact that
> TeX somehow matches the way a scientist *thinks* about a formula. But
> IMHO, neither Lilypond nor any other alphabetic editor can approach the
> way a musician thinks about score! And that's why this won't work.
Can you explain how a musician thinks about a score, and how this cannot be
expressed in alphabetic editor?
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