Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] A little scared of Debian, was Fresh PC waiting for basic installation - Advice?
From: anahata (
Date: Fri Jul 09 2004 - 16:50:52 EEST
On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 12:55:45PM +0000, Alejandro Lopez wrote:
> But I've just come accross this article:
> entitled "An Unbiased Review of Debian 3.0". They say things like you are
> supposed to know the name of your drivers (name of the files, not the name
> of the hardware to be supported that usually comes as a description in a
> database!).
I haven't read that review (yet) but it's not that bad. Debian comes with
a program modconf for picking driver and other modules to install, and
it lists them together with 1-line descriptions of what the driver does.
That's really usually enough, and modconf relieves you of having to mess
around with modprobe, insmod and editing the files in the /etc/module*
> I have installed Debian years ago, then Redhat recently. I've found Debian
> installation a nightmare compared to Redhat
Initially yes. Once it's all working, Debian's the package management
system is far more bullet proof than rpm.
A good compromise is to install a Debian version that has better hardware
detection and initial installation program like Libranet
( and then carry on with Debain's apt-get (or your
choice of tool) to keep things up to date.
-- Anahata -+- Home: 01638 720444 Mob: 07976 263827
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