Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Note typesetting for Linux - final match! :-)
From: Vedran Vucic (vvucic_AT_eunet.yu)
Date: Fri Jul 09 2004 - 21:18:57 EEST
Dear colleagues If, you look musi-tex and smilra packages you will fin
very easy and very powerfull programmes,There is one which is non-free,
but sometimes also used for professional look of scores
Best wishes,
Vedran Vucic
Michal Seta wrote:
>stefano cardo <> writes:
>>OK guys!!!
>>Everyone of you are right, I cannot say the opposite, because each one has his way of reacting with a problem.
>phew! that was easy!
>>But apart from this, I don't want to think that Linux doesn't need a WYSIWYG application...
>I'm not saying it doesn't need one...
>>So I begin the discussione on finale, not for commercial reason, but only to suggest the lack of a completely graphical frontend for edit music score.
>I just thought that finale was a bad choice for an example. Really, really bad.
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