Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: Fresh PC waiting for basic installation - Advice?
From: Free Ekanayaka (
Date: Sun Jul 11 2004 - 10:18:02 EEST
|--==> "AC" == Alastair Couper <> writes:
AC> Alejandro Lopez wrote:
>>Many thanks for the time and effort spent on giving advice, it's much
>>Basically, you guys have recommended:
>>-Mandrake + Thac's RPMs (Robert)
>>-DeMuDi (Tim and Stefano)
>>-Planet CCRMA (Jan)
AC> I've never gotten a clear picture on this :
AC> What difference does the target processor for the various distros make ?
AC> Is there enough difference between the i386 i586 i686 based distros to
AC> be worth anything ? I had assumed that compiling your own kernel for
AC> your specific processor was a Good Thing (tm). I figured that building
AC> these other apps for your processor would be a slight advantage too. An
AC> i386 based distro for multimedia doesn't make sense if the apps aren't
AC> making use of the various enhancements available in P4 or K7 based
AC> systems, unless those enhancements don't count for much in real life.
As I mentioned on my previous reply on the subject, A/DeMuDi comes
with optimised kernels of 386/586tsc/686/k6/k7. The installer will
detect your processor and pick the right kernel for it.
Free Ekanayaka
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