Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] A little scared of Debian, was Fresh PC waiting for basic installation - Advice?
From: Robert Jonsson (
Date: Mon Jul 12 2004 - 11:40:25 EEST
m�ndagen den 12 juli 2004 09.34 skrev Anahata:
> On Sun, Jul 11, 2004 at 09:51:50PM -0700, Russell Hanaghan wrote:
> > To be the quintesential dumb bunny again...So on MDK, I would use
> > Kpackage to install MDK rpm's only?
> My brief experience of MDK was that I could only install Mandrake RPMs.
> In particular I coudn't always install Red Hat RPMs.
This isn't specifically a problem with Mandrake, it works the same with pretty
much any distribution. The packages are built for a target system that has
specific versions of the core libraries, glibc etc. If you try and install
this package on a system that has the same packaging system but not the same
versions of core libraries it might get installed but it's not certain the
binaries will work. (Also the distros does not put "stuff" in the same places
but this is in my experience a lesser problem.)
As you said, it is generally a good idea to only use packages specifically
made for that distribution. Now, this might sound bad but in praktice it
isn't a problem. All the popular distributions have a rather big community
that produce packages for /it/ so there is generally no need to install a
package from another source.
> As one major reason for switching to MDK was to be able to use RPMs and
> thus more recent versions of software, I went off it rather quickly,
> moved back to Debian and learned how to upgrade to testing and keep
> it up to date.
There are always tradeoffs, the same argument could be used with mandrake and
upgrading to cooker.
Being on the edge is often a trying experience, regardless if you use
Mandrake, Debian or any other distro.
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