Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Virtual Mixing Desk
From: Olivier Guilyardi (
Date: Sat Jul 17 2004 - 21:35:11 EEST
Arnold Krille wrote:
> First: Ardour has a good mixer like the one you are searching for.
> Disadvantage: you get the overhead of a not-needed hd-recorder...
Ardour is great, but I really miss a minimalistic jack-enabled mixer :
little resources required, little space on my desktop, etc...
> Second: JackMix [1]
Jackmix is a great project. I gave it a try in version 0.0.1, but it all
went bad at some point (segfault or whatever, I don't remember)... I
promise I'll send a bug report next time ;) These knob buttons on
version 0.0.3 look good :)
By the way, since I see you talking about LADSPA plugins and other
advanced features, I'd personnally greatly appreciate an option to hide
them, as well as the aux buttons, to save desktop space. Usually I only
need volume levels, and I use jack-rack for additional effects on a few
Actually, I've used jackEQ a lot (, it's pretty
_stable_, but you're limited to four channels. I really need a
customizable number of channels.
Recently, trying the Hydrogen drum-machine (, I
just caught myself thinking : "that is the nicest mixer that has ever
run on my desktop". The buttons look and ergonomy are amazing, the small
led meters are _smooth_, and the whole takes _little_ desktop space. The
way it handles effects plugins is efficient too, I think.
I believe, one should extract this mixer from the Hydrogen project, and
make it a standalone Jack app. I didn't look at the code, but it
shouldn't be that hard, no ?
-- og
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