Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Virtual Mixing Desk
From: Jonathan Segel (
Date: Sun Jul 18 2004 - 00:20:26 EEST
>On Saturday 17 Jul 2004 9:46 pm, Jonathan Segel wrote:
>> > consider returning to some sort of sliders, they're far more
>> > convenient in a GUI, since their movement follow better the
>> > movement of the mouse.
>> i'm betting that the way it actually is manipulated is that drawing
>> a straight line with the mouse up or down turns the knob [...]
>Oh no! This subject has just been the subject of a 200+-article
>flamewar (sorry, I mean constructive discussion) over on LAD. Are
>sliders always better than knobs, or do knobs have their place? Is
>it better to operate knobs linearly, or with a rotary mouse motion?
sorry, didn't realize. i was just commenting on the easier way of
writing gui code!
i don't really care one way or the other, you get used to using what's there.
-- _________________________________________________________________ Jonathan Segel -- MAGNETIC -- PO Box 460816 S.F. CA. 94146-0816 <----->
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