Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Virtual Mixing Desk
From: tim hall (
Date: Sun Jul 18 2004 - 04:33:00 EEST
Last Saturday 17 July 2004 19:35, Olivier Guilyardi was like:
> Recently, trying the Hydrogen drum-machine (, I
> just caught myself thinking : "that is the nicest mixer that has ever
> run on my desktop". The buttons look and ergonomy are amazing, the small
> led meters are _smooth_, and the whole takes _little_ desktop space. The
> way it handles effects plugins is efficient too, I think.
Hydrogen rocks bigtime.
> I believe, one should extract this mixer from the Hydrogen project, and
> make it a standalone Jack app. I didn't look at the code, but it
> shouldn't be that hard, no ?
The LADSPA interface is pretty nifty too.
tim hall
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