Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] it's so quiet...
From: Ivica Ico Bukvic (
Date: Tue Jul 20 2004 - 22:14:47 EEST
Since we are talking about sea creatures, I felt like sharing program notes
for one of my compositions (they actually have nothing to do with the piece
they are associated with and as such I feel that they are perfectly
appropriate for this thread ;-).
Title: Imitation Crabmeat Rag
Some people like fishing.
Many others including the ones who like to fish, like eating fish.
Fish is considered to be a very healthy food, except when heavily poisoned by
mercury, as is usually the case with larger fish.
On Earth, we have saltwater fish and sweet-water fish. While the saltwater is
salty, the sweet-water is generally not sweet, yet both of the fish are, by
nature, neither sweet nor salty.
As far as we know, there are no fish on Mars.
In addition to fish, Earth waters are populated by squids and crabs, who, like
fish, live in water, but are not the same like fish. In fact, crabs and
squids taste nothing like fish.
Some people, including the ones who like to fish, and the others, including
fishermen, who like eating fish, like to eat crabs and squids.
Judging from the numbers who like eating crabs and squids as much as they like
to eat fish, it is safe to assume that the crabmeat is usually as tasty as
the fish meat.
Imitation Crabmeat(tm) is a produce, usually found in a local superstore, that
some people, who perhaps like to fish, but definitely eat fish, crabs, and
squids, like to eat.
I don't.
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