Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] live music with linux
From: Jonathan Segel (
Date: Fri Jul 23 2004 - 20:45:02 /etc/localtime
me too! last tuesday night on kpfa.
i'm going from 38:50 to 1:17:30 on this broadcast segment. it's
chaotic, running SC3 on a mac powerbook and SC3 +jackrack + freqtweak
on my planet-ccrma laptop simultaneously. i had live mics running
into the linux machine, played violin and electric bass, while
running their lines into the mac laptop. lots of ffts.
had a freqtweak crash about 3/4 of the way through that took jack
down with it! accessing presets (the freqtweak preset fader, trying
to load a preset) froze freqtweak and jackd, qjackctl. couldn't kill
jack from qjackctl, had to type. live typing!
the sudden ending is a specific fft magnitude freezer popping all SC3
output to -1s on the mac. a problem i thought i could avoid. oh well.
antoine rivoire wrote:
>I did my first gig with linux at the end of April. I was using mostly
>SC3, and a bit of Klupper through Freqtweak.
> Dave Griffiths wrote:
> > Hi all,
>> Thought I'd report on my first live gig experience with linux (or anything
>> else for that matter) at the placard headphone festival:
> >
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