Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] CCRMA Fedora Core 2 download?
From: Rick B (
Date: Mon Jul 26 2004 - 07:02:14 EEST
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>On Sun, 2004-07-25 at 20:28, Rick B wrote:
>> I read some of the CCRMA mailing list archives to try to find out
>>where to go to download the CCRMA alpha FC2 iso's, but all I found was
>>references to installing FC2 with apt-get within FC1. Does anyone know
>>where to download the iso's from?
>Currently I don't have iso's for fc2. I was waiting to see if jack would
>stabilize with 2.6.x and nptl. If you want to use jack the best option
>at this time in the Planet CCRMA universe is FC1.
>I guess I should release them anyway...
>-- Fernando
Thanks for the quick reply. What are the particulars on installing FC2
with apt-get? Does it just upgrade the entire FC1 install?
Rick B
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