Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Your synth wishlist?
From: Atte Andr� Jensen (
Date: Fri Jul 30 2004 - 10:42:14 EEST
Dave Robillard wrote:
> So, what features are important to you in a synth? What annoys you
> about the current crop of linux synths?
I think the most important feature in such a project is that it is well
documented. I know it's a drag to do for most programmers, but it's
very, very important, and a weak spot with many (most) Open Source
projects (you didn't say, but I assume your planning on Open Source...).
For instance I've been using csound for over two years, but would really
like to check out supercollider. But the level of DIY/hackerism involved
in the SC-doc means that I never find the time to get started.
-- peace, love & harmony Atte
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