Subject: [linux-audio-user] Re: AlmusVCU on Planet CCarma?
From: Michele Spinolo (
Date: Sat Jul 31 2004 - 01:21:06 EEST
> Probably better to ask on the Planet CCRMA list :-)
> Anyway, yes, I guess it could be added. Do you have a specific need for
> it? Planet CCRMA already has Brutefir, I don't really know what the
> differences might be with AlmusVCU...
> -- Fernando
I posted on the wrong list, sorry!:-)
AlmusVCU implements a easier frontend for its configuration, more channel
alignment is automatic and ambiophonics and ambisonic decoders are built in.
It's a completly new software related to BruteFir, which is a very efficient
convolver with some audio oriented features.
Thank you Fernando!
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