Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] live moog madness
From: tim hall (
Date: Sat Oct 16 2004 - 19:25:47 EEST
Last Saturday 16 October 2004 04:17, Austin was like:
> Without buying an old Moog, what are my options, and what do you
> suggest... looking for cheap, and flawless on-stage?
I really don't know about flawless. Moogs use proper oscillators all digital
sounds are effectively samples. There does seem to be a limit.
> Ideas:
> 1. Look for a cheap used MIDI sound module with great portamento. I've
> never seen one.
Me neither. Korg MS2000 has a module version, probably about the closest.
> 2. Alsa Modular Synth. I really like the portamento effect, but I've
> yet to find any great moog sounds, and I'm not good at making my own.
> It's quite stable, but gives me "clicky" artifacts sometimes.
I think probably the best. A lot of the clicks are caused by agressive attack
stages on the envelope generators, back them off a tad and the click goes.
The art of those Moog sounds was really twiddling about with the knobs, trying
to find a preset is often hard work. I'm a particular fan of resonant filter
sweeps. Any preset you might find is guaranteed to be naff.
> 3. ZynAddSubFX. Has some great synth sounds, but the portamento is too
> "over the top". Over dramatic.
Ah. ZynAddSubFX is beautiful, transparent and probably the wrong place to
Dunno about VST
For raw instant gratification, try amsynth. It's a one-stop two osc polyphonic
[!] with knobs on. It's rough as you like, but if this is a rock band, you
may like. The other option would be a working version of Bristol (sadly, I've
never seen one). A Pd patch would probably be fairly straightforward too, but
as you say you're not a sound designer this may not be an option.
So, pure GNU solutions boil down to amsynth, for rough & ready; ALSA Modular
synth if you're prepared to create your own patch.
Failing all that, I'd borrow an MS10 or SH101 from somewhere.
tim hall
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