Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Rosgarden, jack_fst and Native Instruments B4
From: Timo Sivula (
Date: Fri Nov 05 2004 - 17:23:19 EET
On Fri, 2004-11-05 at 22:32, Chris Cannam wrote:
> Hmm, there's a question. I would be inclined to apt-get remove the CCRMA
> package, download the sources, build, and install using "make install" rather
> than bothering with an RPM. Probably nothing else depends on Rosegarden, so
> that shouldn't cause any consistency problems, and it can always be replaced
> by a later CCRMA RPM (Rosegarden's "make uninstall" should work fine).
This is beyond what I dare to do. My software competence ends at the
./configure, make, make install level and I do not want to replace an
installed rpm with a compiled binary due to the maintenance problems
I found .spec files in the source tar ball. Could they be used to create
a proper rpm of the sources?
br, Timo
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