Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: [Alsa-devel] Firewire Audio Card Support
From: Dubphil (
Date: Fri Nov 19 2004 - 02:23:22 EET
> To summarize: If I were to buy a card at this point, I would first go
> and check if ESI has a product that fullfills my needs. That is the only
> pressure I can put on manufacturers.
funny! One month ago I ask naïvely to the ESI support if the driver of the
juli@ or the wave terminal sound card will be release for linux in 2005
and the reply was :
"We currently haven't planed any Linux support for *all* our devices"
So I reply that they were crazy, and that probably they will miss the
train one day, because more and more users are switching to linux everyday
(I hope so :)), so they reply that they were forwarding my email to the HQ
(!?) staff. no news after that :-(
Perhaps you are better informed, but I woulkd not be so optimistic with ESI !
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