Re: [linux-audio-user] sound card linux documentation wiki+forum site [WAS: Linux audio hardwarem arket research [was: creating a wiki "soundcard experiences" site]]

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] sound card linux documentation wiki+forum site [WAS: Linux audio hardwarem arket research [was: creating a wiki "soundcard experiences" site]]
From: MarC (
Date: Wed Dec 01 2004 - 00:17:27 EET

En/na Robert Jonsson ha escrit:

>tisdagen den 30 november 2004 22.01 skrev Esben Stien:
>>MarC <> writes:
>>>we could sum up all the conclusions at the wiki
>>>Register at TWiki and contribute.
>>Not Nice
>>>Don not talk *so much* and do smth ;)
>>Take away this requirement to register and I'll gladly add my cards
>>and experiences. Don't you know that registering sucks?. I don't have
>>time to register everywhere I go. If a site wants me to register I'm
>>gone before daylight. That's how the cookie crumble.
>Sadly this is a sign of the times. Because of scriptkiddies, or whatever they
>are that clutter all open forums with garbage, there are very few open sites
>any more. It has very little to do with actually wanting you to register.
>It's just the most practical way of keeping out the spam.
Yes that's the reason that lies behind. *Notice that to register they
only ask you, your name and your email (change your country if you
want!)*. Anyway I am not responsible for that, talk to the
administrators of Twiki. I'm sure that they will tell you the same as
I also remind you that you had to register to this list to receive and
post messages on it... So you should be gone before daylight! hurry up ;)

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