Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] sound card linux documentation wiki+forum site [WAS: Linux audio hardwarem arket research [was: creating a wiki "soundcard experiences" site]]
From: Esben Stien (
Date: Wed Dec 01 2004 - 01:56:22 EET
Robert Jonsson <> writes:
> Because of scriptkiddies, or whatever they are that clutter all open
> forums with garbage
True, sad
> there are very few open sites any more.
True, sad. I want to find them all and live happy.
> It has very little to do with actually wanting you to register.
It has everything to do with that... or so it seems.
> It's just the most practical way of keeping out the spam.
Same says the persons that insists that we use b0ef AT esben-stien DOT
name or all the other horrible examples for our email addresses. Same
says the persons that wants to let spam be considered a crime. Same
says the persons that say lets take the spammers to town square and
line them up for public execution. Attacking the problem this way, in
my opinion, is wrong.
-- Esben Stien is irc:// [sip|iax]
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