Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] (OT) meat/not meat
From: Michael T Nelson (
Date: Wed Dec 01 2004 - 16:34:57 EET
tim hall wrote:
>Last Tuesday 30 November 2004 15:40, Michael T Nelson was like:
>>Damn. That's another thing to stop eating(!) I'm happily vegetarian, but
>>I find it really annoying that I need to read *every* ingredient on
>>*every* label to even come close to being sure that I'm not eating meat.
>>It's too easy to eat meat accidentally. I liked hob nobs too. I'm sure
>>that they'd taste just as good without the animal content.
>It's possible that the plain chocolate ones are still vegan.
Well, there's a difference between 'vegetarian' and 'vegan'. If hobnobs
(even the milk chocolate ones...) are vegetarian but not vegan, then I
feel happy to eat them. So, by 'animal fat', did you mean milk? Or does
the milk chocolate contain other animal fats?
Personally, I prefer plain chocolate anyway. Also, hobnobs are still
good without the chocolate.
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