[linux-audio-user] Surprising ecasound behaviour

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Subject: [linux-audio-user] Surprising ecasound behaviour
From: dubphil_AT_free.fr
Date: Wed Dec 01 2004 - 21:43:43 EET


I'm back with my soundsystem setup :)

I've switched to the Audioslack after having heavily tested
the DeMuDi 1.2.0 .

Audioslack lacks a lot of software, but the main softs i need are there
and uptodate.
I had to compile TerminatorX, but it was not very difficult.

so the subject of this message is to relate a strange behaviour of

finally, due the unstability of AMS I have used the Mario advice : split by frequencies range the ecasound input to 4 output.
the input is TerminatorX. Everything goes well as long as, i think, an audio
signal is received by ecasound. When the sample stop in TerminatorX,
jack is struggling with xruns and if I don't play another sample in
TerminatorX in a short time, ardour disconnect from Jack and everything crash !
This behaviour hapens both with DeMuDi and AudioSlack.

The lonely trick I've found is to permanently connect my lonely capture
channel output to the ecasound input :-( but I need this channel in
order to connect my TB303 and I don't want it to be processed by

Is this something logical from ecasound or it should worth a bug report



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