[linux-audio-user] Mastering deck mix

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Subject: [linux-audio-user] Mastering deck mix
From: Ben Edwards (lists) ("Ben)
Date: Thu Dec 02 2004 - 21:40:56 EET

I am helping at a Community Centre in Bristol, UK which is using Free
Software for everything (http://3ca.org.uk). Last weekend I
successfully managed to record 3.5 hours of live music using Adacity and
create a .ogg. I have never done anything like this before and am not a
sound engineer or musician. I am particularly impressed because I only
started looking for the software 3 hours before the doors opened.

Anyway this has sent me on a mad journey this week which has involved
building ardour/jack and jamin from source. I've never built anything
from source before. I am going to attempt to record another gig in a
couple of weeks using this combination. Anyway...

Firstly was wondering if there are any introduction texts for audio
mixing/mastering on the web anywhare, not nesseseraly related to this
software as I am a total beginner and want to understand the basics.

Secondly was wondering if there was any way of using audacity/jamin
together. Idealy I want to use ardour/jamin but audacity is a lot
simpler and is a good fallback.

Thirdly - and this is the most important question - any advide as to how
to master a deck mix for recording/streaming. I am planing to use jamin
to do this but general advice/other options also good.


Ben Edwards - Poole, UK, England
If you have a problem sending me email use this link
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