Re: [linux-audio-user] USB mixer team challenge

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] USB mixer team challenge
From: Frank Barknecht (
Date: Sat Dec 04 2004 - 01:50:39 EET

Ryan Gallagher hat gesagt: // Ryan Gallagher wrote:

> So when I run good old alsamixer -c 1 or gnome-alsamixer... I only get
> one PCM fader and one MIC fader. Now this card has 2 ins and 6 outs.
> Also if I raise the PCM fader to 100% I get no sound... bring it back
> down to 50% and I get full volume.
> But here's the real question:
> Is there a mixer that I can use to control all ins and outs of this
> card?

Many USB soundcards have no or crippled mixers onboard. What you see
in alsamixer very likely is all there is. From two USB cards I own,
the Quattro has no mixer at all, and the Terratec Aureon USB only has
one strip for its 2 input rsp. 6 output channels. Maybe your hardware
manual has some more info on what to expect from your card?

Not having mixer controls actually is not that big a deal. Every
decent audio software has software mixing, and personally I don't like
it, if something like xmms will destroy my fine tuned mixer settings
when changing mp3 volume.


 Frank Barknecht                               _ ______footils.org__

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