Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] music made with linux
From: Paul Winkler (
Date: Mon Dec 06 2004 - 05:12:15 EET
On Sun, Dec 05, 2004 at 08:39:40PM -0600, Jan Depner wrote:
> On Sun, 2004-12-05 at 14:43, fooman wrote:
> > R Parker wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > Be careful what you wish for!
> >
> > This made me grin! Very funny. I like the hints of
> > the Who, and maybe B52's? Nice job. Nice craftsmanship
> > too really.
> >
> Baba O'Reilly at the start and then B52's. That's exactly what I
> thought.
from the tangentially trivial dep't:
while you got the right Who album, you got the wrong
song. It's "Won't get Fooled Again" that has the
keyboard chords/sound that Ron is quoting. The lyrics from that song are
quoted at the end too, rather appropriately ("meet the new boss,
same as the old boss").
Doesn't sound like a sample though, it varies from the original
a bit.
I do rather like Ron's song, especially the lyrics and the somewhat fred
schneider-esque delivery :-)
"Baba O'Reilly" (popularly mis-known as "Teenage Wasteland")
has a much faster signature keyboard part than "Won't get Fooled
Again". It's heavily arpegiatted, and played over it is a
simple guitar/piano/bass I-V-IV chord progression. It was possibly
the very first use of a sequencer-driven synth in a rock song
(recorded in 1971 I believe). It was not however the first
rock album to use synthesizers at all. "Abbey Road", for one, beats it
by at least a year. (See "Maxwell's Silver Hammer", "Sun King" etc.)
Maybe there were others?
-PW, your local Who maniac.
--Paul Winkler
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