Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: adm: list archives at going away
From: Kai Vehmanen (
Date: Sun Dec 12 2004 - 14:39:17 EET
a quick update on this issue.
On Fri, 29 Oct 2004, Joern Nettingsmeier wrote:
> Kai Vehmanen wrote:
>> this is not an urgent issue, but I'd like to warn in advance that the
>> laa/lad/lau list archiving at[adu] will stop some time next
>> year. I'm not sure of the exact date, but sooner or later anyway. Note
Ok, I've been now testing a new, semi-realtime, mechanism to archive the
lists. What's important is that this is something I can support also in
the future, so the archiving can continue for all three lists.
What I'm missing now is web space. I'd need:
* around +0.5G of web space
- the LAA/LAD/LAU archives are currently 0.5G, growing by 15M
each month
- I'll have to move to a new server soon and I won't have
enough web space on the new server :(
* update via rsync-over-ssh
- mirroring the whole[adu] tree
* if at all possible, a separate host name like
- possibility to use google to search the lists (by
searching with " keywords")
- htdig is a bit painful to maintain, I'd rather use google
... I will build some server-side magic to make redirects from[adu] to the new archive location so that existing links to the
archived mails will continue to work (and not just temporarily).
Now if anyone here is willing to donate some webspace for this purpose
(only the list archives, nothing else), please contact me privately.
-- Audio software for Linux!
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