Re: [linux-audio-user] Audiophile 2496

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Audiophile 2496
From: Dave Silvester (
Date: Tue Dec 14 2004 - 14:29:29 EET

On Tuesday 14 Dec 2004 11:16, Tobias Ulbricht wrote:

> It seems (but I may be hopefully proven wrong):
> Analog IO is working, spdif not, midi not.

I've got all of those working under Linux on my Audiophile 2496. ;-)

To be fair, I haven't used the Midi a great deal because I've got an M-Audio
Midisport 8x8 that is also working great now, but initial experimentation
with the Audiophile showed that the Midi was working. As far as I can tell,
everything works fine on the Audiophile.

My main problem is that I can't find a way to get Envy24Control to load my
default settings each time, and alsactl doesn't seem to want to do it either,
so every time I want to use the sound card I have to manually load
Envy24Control and select my default setting - only takes a few seconds
though, so it's not much hassle. (It's just a bit annoying, because I can't
find a way to automate it - Envy24Control doesn't seem to have any command
line parameters!)

Also, I'm still working on getting Audacity to record from the Audiophile, so
at the moment I just use arecord from a shell, which works well enough for my
purposes that I haven't really spent much time trying to fix Audacity.

But, other than that, everything is working, and it's a great card too -
highly recommended!

I'd be happy to help out by trying to remember what I did to get it working,
if you get stuck. :-)




Dave Silvester Music Technology Junkie | Rentable Website Monkey |

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