Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Fervent Software go! and GPL issues
From: Robert Jonsson (
Date: Thu Dec 16 2004 - 00:42:57 EET
onsdagen den 15 december 2004 20.07 skrev Christian Frisson:
> Hi,
> I suppose Richard Bown is the head of both Fervent Software and Linux
> Musician. I guess he has suscribed to the LAD mailing-list. I thought the
> GPL-license claimed you had the right to commercialize apps released under
> its terms if you make its modified source code available to anyone. Where
> am I wrong?
I didn't look at what they offer but legally I think the GPL requires that the
source must be available to the ones that have aquired the product. It does
not require that the source code is available to everybody.
> What is the difference between this case and the "hi-jacked" Audacity
> versions that used to be sold on eBay under another app name?
> Cheers,
> Christian
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