[linux-audio-user] Tracktion

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Subject: [linux-audio-user] Tracktion
From: David Baron (d_baron_AT_012.net.il)
Date: Thu Dec 16 2004 - 21:35:32 EET

This is being offered gratis till the end of december by Mackie. This one
might just be coaxed into running under Wine which would be quite an

Kudos: 1. The program, though free, needs be registered to a "machine number".
Did this under Windows, did not get that far using Wine. Might need a second
copy just for the Linux runs.

2. The program searches for all its own VST dlls and any on the VST directory.
Might have problems doing this in Wine. Some VST demos bring up an error box
saying please register, limited trial, etc. Such things may be disruptive in
Wine. (Other VST hosts let you manually find them when you want them,
avoiding this problem in most cases)

Anyway, the thing appeared to hang up but I was able to get out. No crash, no
bebug offer. Clean.

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