Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] in tune - stupid thread
From: Russell Hanaghan (
Date: Mon Dec 20 2004 - 06:15:45 EET
Lee Revell wrote:
>On Sun, 2004-12-19 at 23:29 +0200, John Anderson wrote:
>>On Sun, 2004-12-19 at 18:55, Russell Hanaghan wrote:
>>>Fact is, it is impossible to tune an acoustic guitar
>>>"perfectly"...Invariably, when you have it tuned so an open G chord
>>>sounds spot on, an open A or even C will be a tad off. And the same
>>>applies to the inverse of course. This all due to a general lack of
>>>adjustment for intonation on acoustic axes.
>>Actually, even guitars with adjustable bridge saddles won't be perfectly
>>in tune with themselves, except for octaves, 4ths and fifths which are
>>close enough that one can't really hear the difference. This is because
>>the frets are in the wrong place in relation to the overtone series
>>(pl). This applies to any instrument that has fixed notes (piano springs
>>to mind), and which use the 12-tone equal temperament tuning.
>>It's a long story, so I won't go into detail. Google for Just Intonation
>>if you want to know more. It sheds a different light on various
>>questions like, where *is* that confounded blue note? Why do major
>>chords sound crap on overdrive? What's the deal with barbershop and
>>string quartets? Why is D minor the saddest key? If I tune the B string
>>by ear to the G string, why is it out of tune with the E string?
>I think this is called "well tempered tuning".
I got a few axes that make me lose my temper when I try to tune that the same thing?? :)
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