Re: [linux-audio-user] Midi app & Video app with SMPTE and/or MTC

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Midi app & Video app with SMPTE and/or MTC
From: Brad Fuller (
Date: Thu Dec 23 2004 - 01:58:56 EET

John Check wrote:

>Side note to list at large: Consider this mans problem and what he needs to do
>to get his problem solved ASAP.
>On Wednesday 22 December 2004 05:02 pm, Brad Fuller wrote:
>>I need to sync video playback and midi composition. I guess I should
>>first ask if anyone knows of midi/audio apps that have video playback
>>builtin -- that would be preferable.
>>I don't know of any -- and that's why I am asking this 2nd question: if
>>anyone knows of midi composition apps that can sync using SMPTE/MTC to a
>>video playback app -- which would also have to have SMPTE sync
>>This seems to be a hole in the audio caps of Linux apps. Or, am I way
>>off base?
>MuSE will slave to time code, but can't drive. The 6 series has some serious
>deficiencies with timing stability. I don't know how tightly it will sync,
>but your best bet is probably version 7 (which needs some tweaks to build out
>of the box). You'll have to check on the status of what's in CVS on their
>lists, which are hosted @ sourceforge. Or if they're lurking, now would be a
>good time to de-cloak.
Thanks. Checking it out now. Setup says it can be master or slave.
Hmmm... need to look at the doc.
I have version 7. Kinda crummy that it crashed when I went to the Global
Settings. It also never wanted to play an imported midi file (pressing
Play did not advance the cursor). After the crash, it advanced the
cursor, but I couldn't get it to play to qsynth.

I'm sure it's my fault not being familiar with the app.

I'll check it out some more...



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