Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] [JACK Fwd: strange-difficult to explain BUG]
From: Russell Hanaghan (
Date: Fri Dec 24 2004 - 04:21:18 EET
André Alves Pereira wrote:
>Em Qua 22 Dez 2004 19:40, MarC escreveu:
>>With the 2.6.10 kernel? With a newer version of JACK?
>No. I still use kernel 2.6.7 with Ingo realtime-preempt patch (my video card,
>a nvidia card, don't work well with mm kernel series, required by newer
>patchs) and realtime-lsm module for capabilities. JACK version 0.99.13. ALSA
>1.0.7. If you need I can try a new version of kernel...
>I use jack with --enable-posix-shm and --with-default-tmpdir=/mnt/jack, so I
>add the following lines in my fstab:
>tmpfs /mnt/jack tmpfs defaults 0 0
>ramfs /dev/shm ramfs defaults 0 0
>My buffer size is 128, with a latency of 5.33ms. My jack command line
>/usr/bin/jackstart -R -dalsa -dhw:0 -r48000 -p128 -n2
>André Magoo
Shouldn't need to use jackstart if using realtime-lsm. Just run jackd as
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