Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: [linux-audio-dev] Steinberg sold to Yamaha

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: [linux-audio-dev] Steinberg sold to Yamaha
From: Russell Hanaghan (
Date: Tue Dec 28 2004 - 04:22:20 EET

R Parker wrote:

>--- Andreas Kuckartz <> wrote:
>>I had already read that. Which effects can be
>Having an afinity for talking out of my ass, this is
>my moment.
I thought I was the only one! :)

> What's known is that Yamaha Music invested
>$5,000.000.00 into embedded Linux kernel development a
>year or two ago. Now they've invested $25,000.000.00
>into Cubase. To compete with ProFools, they need the
>hardware and software combined. And now they have it.
>What I find interesting is their decision to spend
>millions on Cubase rather than thousands on Ardour.
>Why? The value of concern isn't a technical quality.
>Twenty five million will build anything soft. The
>investment is in owned market.
>Combining the Yamaha and Didgi marketshares together
>creates a product that automatically compete with
>I'll tune in to watch a couple two ton gorillas beat
>on eachother. It's a legitimate heavy weight bout. The
>compelling consideration for us is that other hardware
>companies either adapt to compete with the gorillas or
>they dissapear. Mackie has their solution. But some
>hardware manufacturer is thinking about combining
>their hardware and market share with Linux Audio
>software because JACK, Ardour, JAMin and many other
>interesting applications are almost ready to satisfy
>user expectations. Will it be Neve, Peavey, Focusrite
>or whomever that decides to combine their hardware and
>marketshare with our software and put it into the ring
>with the gorillas? Someone is gonna do it.
This would be an awesome validation for all the hard work the dev teams
have put into these apps. A little money might not go astray either!

>With a ringside seat procured, all I'm missing is a
>fresh pot of coffee and a donut. I will not need
>cigarettes because I quit smoking a few days back and
>am firmly held within the cold turkey psychosis. I am
>sick and pissed enough at Phillip Morris to stick
>around and watch the audio contendors fight it out.

Doooood! ....get the gum, the patch, the pills...whatever it takes and
stick it out! I did 3 1/2 mths ago. I am happy to say I'm a NON
SMOKER!!!!! So there was a few dead bodys along the way...big deal!
:) The Welbutrin helped with the mood swings a bunch! And I put on 25
lbs!!:) Soon I'll look like the freakin Pillsberry Dough boy! But I WONT
be smokin' , no siree!


>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Dave Phillips" <>
>>To: "LAD Mail" <>;
>>"LAU Mail"
>>Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 3:06 PM
>>Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Steinberg sold to Yamaha
>>>"MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Dec. 21
>>/PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Pinnacle
>>>Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: PCLE
>><> -
>>>News <>), a
>>leader in digital video
>>>solutions, today announced that it has entered
>>into a definitive
>>>agreement to sell its Hamburg, Germany-based
>>Steinberg audio software
>>>business to Yamaha Corporation. The transaction,
>>which is subject to
>>>regulatory approval, is expected to be completed
>>during Pinnacle's third
>>>fiscal quarter ended March 31, 2005."
>Do you Yahoo!?
>Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.

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