Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Trying to get OSS driver to recognize midiport
From: Christoph Eckert (
Date: Thu Dec 30 2004 - 21:12:54 EET
> Yes I know that rosegarden4 blows away rosegarden2,
> and ALSA is the way to go, but since knoppix includes
> rosegarden2 and OSS, I think it would be easier for me
> to get this working than switch to ALSA and new
> software.
You can start Knoppix with a 2.6 kernel which includes alsa.
You can run Rosegarden2 with ALSA thanks to the ALSA OSS
What I do not know: If the Knoppix 2.6 kernel does
automatically configure ALSA devices or if it simply does use
Best regards
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