Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] BruteFIR convolution help
From: Andres Cabrera (
Date: Thu Dec 30 2004 - 22:32:33 EET
If you're using jack_fst, the free VST SIR plugin is working. It appears
to run correctly, but I don't have any impulses to try it properly.
(Very heavy on the CPU...)
derek holzer wrote:
> Hi gang,
> I'm staggering my way through the BruteFIR documentation in hopes of
> building a simple soundfile convolver. Not being a mathematician, I'm
> not too good at writing FIR filter coefficients ;-) Besides that,
> using coeficients is not what I am looking for. If anyone here is
> using BruteFIR to convolve one sound file or sound stream with a
> soundfile impulse, could you post an example config for that?
> Otherwise, are there simpler ways of doing this? I've tried the
> impulse convolution in Rezound, for example, and gotten almost nothing
> but pure DC out of it. What I miss in Linux is a simple impulse
> convolver like the one in SoundHack for Mac OS9, Sonic Mirror or
> [especially] HOG for windoze [doesn't run under WINE, I tried!]:
> thanks much!
> d.
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