On Fri, Mar 04, 2005 at 05:28:25 +1100, Shayne O'Connor wrote:
> actually, the quality of music broadcast through skype (setting the
> "mix" channel of a sblive to be captured) seems to be just as good as if
> you were hearing it locally ...
Hmm.. cool :) I had no idea what codec they were using, but as it sounds
so good for voice, I assumed it was voice optimised (like ogg speex).
According to the website it uses up to 128 kbps if you have the bandwidth.
For those people who are shapening thier free-software knives :) you could
also use gnome-meeting, which lets you pick appropriate codecs, and is
free as in speech.
- Steve
Received on Sat Mar 5 00:15:06 2005
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